Nette Ornbak

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February 10, 1927 - November 5, 1998

Nette Ornbak joined the Fellowship of Friends June 29, 1980 in Copenhagen, Denmark.


That soul God has created in his own image
Is undisturbable, it cannot be lost
Our earthly life is a seed of eternity
Our body dies but the soul cannot die


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Surely God would not have created such a being as man, with an ability to grasp the infinite, to exist only for a day!
No, no, man was made for immortality.



1 thought on “Nette Ornbak

  1. I met Nette in Denmark, she was A Famous Dressmaker, I was the sister to my eldest brother to her, not yet a student. It was the winter of 1985, Christmas time in Denmark, like an Anderson Fairytale. Nette was in her prime, with a beautiful young apprentice, actors coming and going, students being entertained. She held to a standard of perfection that was telling of her refined alchemy. I was welcomed by her with a motherly warmth and attention to educate; what she did so well. She encouraged the musical instruction I followed at the time, the flute. As the years rolled on, Nette kept that sparkle and determination in her telling eyes and bright smile, sharing her beautiful being.

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