
The Elysian Society depends entirely on donations to carry out its activities,
and we welcome your tax-deductible gift in any amount.
How You Can Give:

● By check to The Elysian Society at P O Box 801, Oregon House CA 95962
● Donate through Credit card / PayPal by clicking the yellow icon:

An inspiring selection of
quotations from our
headstones and death announcements
from recent decades.

Thoughts on aging, death
and transformation.


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Please Donate to our latest cemetery improvement – New Cemetery Entrance
The Elysian Society celebrates the installation of this beautiful entryway path that leads into our cemetery. A transformation this large which brings such natural refinement with lasting beauty is costly. Our hope is that you will donate generously to this new stone entry.

As a supporter of the Elysian Society, your tax deductible gifts are tremendously appreciated.
Our cemetery continues to be a place of comfort and peace because of you.



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Please note that donations given to benefit the cemetery as a whole or to assist the work of the Elysian Society in general are eligible for a tax deduction however donations to maintain a specified grave or memorial are not tax deductible. Also please remember that it is possible to make a bequest to the Society in your Will or Trust.