Anna Vigh

Anna Vigh 400

October 23, 1952-April 2, 2001

Dear friends,


On Monday, December 26, 2011 at 2:30 pm the first remembrance plaque was placed on the newly-installed Memorial Stone at our beautiful cemetery. It will be in memory of Anna Vigh, a member of the Budapest center, who completed her task in 2001.


The Service will be followed by a reception and toast at the home of Ulrich Kaiser.  You are invited to bring any pictures or stories about Anna which you would like to share.


Presence is always closer than you think

Memorial Pilar - 800

Memorial Service Text: Anna Vigh 2011-12 Plaque

There is only one moment.
It is not the length of life that matters but the quality of living and being.

A note from Anna’s diary on September 15th, 2000 on the flight to her first visit to Apollo:





4 thoughts on “Anna Vigh

  1. We set out for Apollo in the end of August 2000. Within the first week of our arrival I was recruited to work as a chef at Apollo d’Oro. It was an extremely busy place at the time, serving hundreds of students daily. It was the central hub of Apollo life. They were opened 24/7 for lunch and dinner every day. The work there was instinctively taxing as we were generally under staffed and most of the staff were untrained and temporary.This is where I met Anna. She was simple, quiet, definite and uncomplaining. We were a lot more formatory and strict at the time. I had heard that she was photographed for wearing pants under her skirt on her walk to work in the cold early mornings. That is when I was told she was working with terminal cancer. It shocked me!! She had never let on, never asked for special treatment or lighter work. There she was transforming her suffering into her inner strength. It has always stayed with me. You can see glimpses of her in her beautiful daughter Vera.

  2. “For ascending souls, death is only a stepping stone to eternal life.”
    Love, Robert
    Buon viaggio, cara….

  3. Hearing from Vera about you, one feels the depth and love your being was filled of. Thank you for what you have given us, much through Vera’s kind and profound nature.
    “ But flowers distilled, though they with winter meet,
    Leese but their show; their substance still lives sweet.”

  4. Anyu,
    Hiányzol, mindíg rád gondolok, Rómát nem láttad soha, próbálok helyetted is , az emlékedre, jelen lenni és élvezni is. Hála és szeretet

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