Denise (Agozzino) Franzoso
September 24, 1980 - March 22, 2017
Dear Friends,
Denise Agozzino, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed her task on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 12:44 am. Denise was thirty-six years old.
Denise joined the School in Rome, on March 18, 2000. In November of 2003, she moved to Apollo. After living here for four years, Denise returned to Rome in 2007.
On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.
In loving presence,
The Elysian Society
Little lamb. He has called thee.
Funeral Service Text: Denise (Agozzino) Franzoso 2017-09
When the soul has been purified, it stays wholly in God;
it can suffer no more, for nothing is left in it to be burned away.
Catherine of Genoa
“Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever”.
Thank you for your Love, cara Denise.
“But flowers distilled, though they with winter meet, Leese but their show; their substance still lives sweet.” Sonnet 5, William Shakespeare
“Rosa, contraddizione pura,
d’essere il sonno di nessuno
sotto sì tante palpebre.”
Grazie della tua bella anima…
Ho conosciuto prima tuo papà Mauro, era il lontano 2000. Poi nel centro di Venezia ci siamo incontrati, è stato come vedere una rosa di cristallo. Mi si spezza il cuore non saperti più fra noi. Abbi cura di te ovunque tu sia. Francesco D.