Gloria Cambridge-Calpouzos

Gloria Cambridge-Calpouzos

July 17, 1929 - February 19, 2010

Dear Friends,

On Friday, February 19, 2010 at 5:00 pm, our friend Gloria Cambridge-Calpouzos completed her task. Gloria was eighty-one years old.

Gloria joined the Fellowship on June 1, 1976, in Idaho, where she and her husband, Lucas, were living. In 1987, Gloria and Lucas moved to Apollo making it their home.

Gloria will be remembered by many for her sweet spirit, her joy in waltzing, and most importantly, her consistent dedication to the Work.

On behalf of all Fellowship members, we thank thee.

The Elysian Society


A big hug and kiss for you

Gloria Cambridge-800

Death is much different and far luckier than anyone might suppose.

Walt Whitman


1 thought on “Gloria Cambridge-Calpouzos

  1. Gloria in Excelsis

    “Five is the essence of ten”
    The essence of the sacred breath.
    Five is half the Holy Commandments which
    God breathed to Moses.

    Five sparks of Love that ignite
    the sixth-the immortal flame;
    The Eternal Beacon, disseminating its gossamer rays,
    Illuminating the path and the travelers
    ’till they illuminate their Selves

    Ten is the half-life of the whole,
    the breathing in, breathing out,
    Those diamond syllables piercing, guarding, penetrating,
    encircling, enfolding the Resurrected.

    And when They released her,
    When, at the last, buoyant with divine
    Wordless presence,
    They loosed her mortal bindings.

    At that moment, it was five in the
    afternoon at Apollo,
    And ten in the morning in Tokyo.

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