Margaret Ayckbourn
October 30, 1947 - June 1, 2017
Dear Friends,
Margaret Ayckbourn, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed her task on Thursday, June 1, 2017, at 11:36 am, after a prolonged illness. Margaret turned sixty-nine on her last birthday in October. She was lovingly cared for by her daughter Abigail and long-time companion Reggie.
Margaret joined the School in San Francisco May 1, 1976. In 1980, she helped to open the Copenhagen Center, staying there until 1982. Margaret moved to Apollo in 1983 and worked as a home-health nurse. She consistently offered her compassionate nursing skills to students wherever needed, taking an active part in the early days of the Circle of Friends.
On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.
In loving presence,
The Elysian Society
Her care and love for us
Was her life’s work
We shall always remember
Funeral Service Text: Margaret Ayckbourn 2017-06
The purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate,
to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
Ralph Waldo Emerson