Mirna Mandusic


January 24, 1967 - March 5, 2016

Dear Friends,


Mirna Mandusic, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed her task from cancer on Saturday, March 5, at 10:15 am, Buenos Aires time.  Mirna turned forty-nine in January.


Mirna joined the School, in Buenos Aires, on March 22, 1991. After living at Apollo during 2002, Mirna moved to Arequipa, Peru where she helped to open the center, directing for about six months.  She then returned to Buenos Aires and directed there for several years. Even in her last days, she gave much to the Center.


On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.


In loving presence,

The Elysian Society


Friend, we are traveling together.

Mirna Mendusic -800

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.






5 thoughts on “Mirna Mandusic

  1. Dearest Mirna, It was an honor to share time with you for many, many years and places. You are closer now, perhaps you already did it. Who knows? Meet you when They plan it… Thank you, my friend!

    Querida Mirna: Fue un honor compartir tiempo contigo por muchos, muchos años y lugares. Ahora estás más cerca, quizás ya lo hiciste. ¿Quién sabe? Te encuento donde Ellos lo planeen… ¡Gracias, amiga mía!

  2. From Delphi Rodrigañez from Buenos Aires Center

    De Profundis for Mirna Mandusic

    Animated by air your instument
    when throug painful scales.
    Now, the whole score is finished
    there are light sounds, luminous ashes,
    and the Presence reminds you the rising path
    and depart …toward adamntine silence

    with love.

    De profundis
    para Mirna Mandusic

    Animado por aire, tu instrumento
    recorrió escalas dolorosas, afinándose
    Ahora, la partitura entera finaliza
    hay sonidos leves, luminosas cenizas
    La Presencia : Te recuerda que el camino asciende
    y vas … hacia un silencio diamantino

  3. Dear Friend: I am eternally grateful that the Gods allow​ed​ me to share two intense months in our li​ves​. I will never be the same.

    Querida amiga : Estoy eternamente agradecida de que los Dioses me permitieran compartir dos meses intensos en nuestras vidas. No soy la misma después de ello.

  4. Beautiful Friend, so consistent, so sincere. Every time she gave an angle, her Being was behind it, Every Time. It was so simple to be with her, no needs of pretensions. Even in her illness, she helped you to be with her, her light energy made possible her friends transformation. I am profoundly thankful that the Gods allowed me to share so much with her. As Robert says, “The finest thing one can say about one’s friends is that one’s life is better as a result of having met them.”

    Hermosa Amiga, tan consistente, tan sincera. Cada vez que ella daba un ángulo, su Ser lo respaldaba, Cada Vez. Era tan simple estar con ella, no había necesidad de pretensiones. Inclusive durante su enfermedad, ella misma te ayudaba a estar con ella, su energía liviana hizo posible la transformación que sus amigos experimentamos. Estoy profundamente agradecida de que los Dioses me hayan permitido compartir tantas cosas con ella. Como Robert dice: “Lo mejor que uno puede decir sobre sus amigos es que la vida de uno es mejor como resultado de haberlos conocido”.

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