Philippe McGuire

Philippe Mcguire 400

December 3, 1955 - November 20, 2021

Dear friends,


 Philippe McGuire, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed his task at 5:55 a.m. (Paris time) today, November 20, after suffering from a long-term illness.


 Philippe was born on December 3, 1955, and would have been 66 on his next birthday. He joined the school in Portland, Oregon, in August 1975. During his decades in the school, Philippe lived in Carmel, San Francisco, Sacramento, Washington, D.C., Apollo, and in recent years, in Paris. His dedication to our school and his profound generosity were hallmarks of his nature.


 Philippe was accompanied all night by close friends in the school, who held his hand as he lay dying. Birdsong was heard outside his room in the early dawn.


 On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.


In loving presence,
The Elysian Society


Funeral Service Text: Philippe McGuire 2023-07

Do you see O my brothers and sisters? It is not chaos or death,
it is form, union, plan, it is eternal life, it is happiness. 

Walt Whitman

4 thoughts on “Philippe McGuire

  1. Dearest Philippe,
    I cherish the moments with you, being grateful for each one.
    Be in peace…
    With love,
    « Ta petite »

  2. I met Philippe in Carmel. We were both young, full of life and energy, fearless, and woefully naive. Philippe had this aura of lightness about him and impressed one as a true and kind gentleman.

  3. Grounded in eternity, this man, good friend of Francis Kalnay, spearheaded a booklet many of us participated in on Francis’s long life which Susan Luccini put together to all of our great fortunes. Phillipe, a true gentle man, actively involved in the process of awakening while insisting each learn to apply the principles and enjoy living to the fullest.

    “On his brow lay an indescribable reflection from some unseen source of light”.
    Victor Hugo

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