Sandra Steinwehe

Sandra Steinwehe

July 10, 1940 - November 28, 2022

Dear Friends,


Sandra Steinwehe, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed her task in her home, today November 28, 2022.


Sandra was born on July 10, 1940 and turned 82 on her last birthday. She joined the school November 29, 1981, last week celebrating her forty-first anniversary. In 1983, Sandra moved to Apollo. With the exception of serving the school for one year in Chicago and, later, more than two years in Greece; Apollo was her home.


Sandra will be remembered for her gentle presence working with Apollo University, scribing for our teacher’s meetings, serving at Apollo d’Oro, and tending to plants at the Galleria.


We thank thee

The Elysian Society

Funeral Service Text: Sandra Steinwehe 2022-12

When you pass beyond this human form
No doubt you will become an angel.


5 thoughts on “Sandra Steinwehe

  1. Dear Sandra – a steady, gentle nature with quiet depth. Service, completely unpretentious and completely given. An example to us all!

  2. Thank you dearest Sandra that you shared with me moments of presence during our trip to Italy. May all the angels embrace you.

  3. Dear Sandra,

    We shared the housekeeping octave many years ago when Melanie and I had moved to Apollo for a while to transform a large shock. Your cheerfulness, lightness and warmth will always stay with me. Thank you.

  4. At Linda’s Apollo d’Oro lunch table, where we both dined during my visit in September 2022, Sandra luckily asked me if I could give her a ride back home, . We chose to stop for coffee at Clover Café and Sandra shared nice stories about the long procession of flowering azaleas gracing the Galleria, and her adventures alone in Mexico, just before meeting School. .Blessings and bon voyage, dear Sandra.

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