William Johnson

William Johnson-400

October 27, 1931- January 6, 2012

Dear Friends,


William Johnson, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed his task after a prolonged struggle with cancer, at 7:20 am on Friday, January 6, 2012.  He celebrated his eightieth birthday in October.


William joined the Fellowship in 1992 in Edinburgh, England.  He was a frequent visitor to Apollo, sometimes staying for a year at a time, enthusiastically offering and sharing his skills and being.  While here, many students greatly enjoyed and benefitted from his wonderful yoga classes.  Not many knew him as a master welder, but there were a number of Apollo projects to which he applied his talent.   William lived in Newcastle, and regularly travelled to London, Paris, and other European centers; always actively participating in the centers’ events.


On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.

The Elysian Society


Apprentice Angel

Memorial Pilar - 800

Funeral Service Text:  William Johnson memoriam 2012-01

Therefore there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements.



1 thought on “William Johnson

  1. You once told me that self remembering was like shivasana – corpse pose. For a tactile person like myself, this I is a way of keeping it simple. Only not to be too corpse-like. Thanks, friend.

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